lets take a stab...
rail tracks = leading to a new life
rail tracks = stupid place your husband got you lost at when driving
rail tracks = stupid place you drove to because your wife fell asleep listening to an audiobook and not programming/tending to the GPS
rail tracks = stupid place your husband got you lost at when driving, then running out of gas, then taking it by foot
rail tracks = marriage leads to certain death, maybe not now but soon enough
rail tracks = stupid place your photographer made you go stand on for pictures because its profound
not an english major, but accepting theories.
1 comment:
At least in the second picture they aren't RUNNING or LYING DOWN on the tracks. What freakin' idiots.
The girl in the top picture gets her heel stuck while they prance for the photo, she can't get her foot free, the train comes tearing across the tracks and before you know it, the fiance has a life-or-death decision to make about this speeding train!!!!!
or, you know, just don't take pictures on railroad tracks.
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